Hey, dig that new coat of paint! That's right - the site is in the swing of being redesigned! It's gonna take a while to iron out all the kinks and get every page up-to-date nice and proper, but I hope you enjoy the visual improvements that are on the way! I think the site will become much smoother to use on the whole after its transformation is complete - and if any problems arise, feel free to use the shout box to tell me. (The Gallery in particular will get a complete overhaul, so stay tuned!) June 16th, 2024 Just in the nick of time for Father's Day (wait, what's that got to do with anything), the long-awaited chapter 10 of Magical Millennium is OUT!!!
Long time no update, eh? Well, that's how it is when you're unemployed and devoting all your time to the job hunt...in a dying market... Anyhow: a whopping twelve new characters have been added to Zone 2 and Zone 3 on the Residents page, so give 'em a look! The site itself is in the process of getting a partial redesign, which has also been taking up my spare time - stay tuned for that.
Click here for all past updates.
All text and images are © LEIRIN and may not be used or redistributed without permission.