Many unique creatures roam the Fluorescent Zone.
Here are some kinds which have been documented thus far, to our present best understanding.

The Qulo (kyoo-low) are a common race to spot throughout the Fluorescent Zone, but that doesn't make them any less special or important. In Zones 2 & 3 they may be seen leading many kinds of lifestyles, from high-ranking nobility to common workers, and in Zone 1 they appear on all manner of popular toys, games and TV programs for children. Though they tend to be of few words (which come out sounding rather nasal), they are easy to get along with and known for being adaptable and determined. Their feet can also release a sticky film allowing them to climb up surfaces, eg. trees. Orange-tipped Qulos are the most common variety, but they have been spotted in an assortment of colors.
Also, fossil records show that winged Qulos once existed. It is unknown why modern varieties are flightless.
Qulos are sexless and reproduce by laying eggs in nests after consuming enough nutrients.

The catlike Poffles may appear demure and biologically simplistic, but they are essential to the ecosystem of planet Cottonwheel, as they harmonize emotions in the air amongst civilians: it is due to this fact that Cottonwheel ranked highest on the "Happiest Planets" survey (conducted in 2018). Indeed, they somehow are able to foster happiness and goodwill amongst societies simply by being in their presence. They are also happy to be treated like pets, as they may bond to specific individuals of their own accord. Pet Poffles are good luck charms, sure to grant you happiness and good health throughout your life!

While there has been much interest in bringing these delightful creatures to other planets to harmonize their emotional balance as well, Poffles seem to be genetically composed of the same material that Cottonwheel's fluffy white grass is, and thus cannot be taken from their planet. (Likewise, when they sleep travel, they only travel to other portions of Cottonwheel.)
They are not capable of speech.

Cresha (kree-sha) people can only be born on moons, but many will migrate to planets afterwards. Their births are a spectacular event to witness, involving the heating up of moondrops and starfall in a colorful burst. Indeed, the birth of a Cresha is an event people from far and wide will sometimes gather for as though it was a fireworks show or meteor shower.

Biologically, they are recognized for their blocky appendages and crescent-shaped heads, not to mention claws suitable for deep digging. Their diet primarily consists of rocks, eating anything softer will cause their teeth to dull.
Native Creshan society is typically casteless, with no set leader governing them. Tamyro, one of Cosma's moons, is estimated to be their point of origin.

The Manya (mawn-yah) are a highly diverse species that are most commonly found on planet Eltrya of Zone 2, natively from the kingdom of Majonia. The most noteworthy thing about Manyas is their highly televised magical abilities. Visual distortions, healing powers, levitation and other abilities that have yet to be documented have been enacted by Manyas for centuries. Not all of them possess these attributes or may have only very rudimentary skills, however; meanwhile, advanced practitioners of magic are often made into celebrities, whom may remain local legends or become famous in other Zones.

Manyas also vary in appearance depending on which section of Majonia they originated from. For instance, Northern Manya are often more akin to rabbits, meanwhile Western Manya have more in common with cats and dogs. (They tend to be fairly similar, however.) Meanwhile, Eastern Manyas lack the floppy ears typical of other Manyas and instead have sphinx-like ears atop their heads, and nearly always sport gold-colored fur, a color uncommon in other varieties. Lastly, Southern Manya have fins in place of paws to suit their mostly submerged surroundings, and an additional fin for a tail. The differences of traits is a biological response to the differences in climate. Of course, an overlap of features may happen when crossbreeding occurs.

Hats are also a significant cultural item to Manyas. Typically, Manyas undergo coming of age trials when they reach a certain age to demonstrate their maturity; at the completion of such a trial, they are taken either to buy a hat or have one made by a relative. However, in more recent times this has been seen as an old-fashioned tradition as hats may be cumbersome to wear depending on the livelihood of a Manya individual. Eastern Manyas have long rejected the tradition, as their portion of the kingdom is hot almost year round. So while it was once viewed as obscene (and still may be by more conservative individuals), it is more common today to see Manyas without hats.
This might be where the phrase "old-hat" originates...

The Odol (oh-dole) - coloquially referred to as "the hooded kind" - are the second most prominent species on Eltrya after Manyas, living primarily in a southern kingdom called Odoken. They are a shy and retiring kind of people, but wonderful storytellers if you can get them to open up. Not much is understood about their biology because they hate being touched, but all of them sport horns and lizard-like tails.
During the crisis on planet Levia, many Odols banded together in prayer and goodwill towards Levia's people and contributed a great deal to its relief.
They dwell in very small living quarters, typically assembled from boxes and other such "junk", but decorated rather beautifully.

The Kelowek (kellah-wik) have been seen on only a few planets. To make more comparisons with Zone 1's animals, they bear resemblance to some mix of kangaroos and mice, and are typically recognized for their long necks; ancient Keloweks primarily ate tree fruits, so this surely aided them in their diet. In present times, Keloweks are likely to attain high-ranking social positions - the king and princess of Majonia are Keloweks, after all!
They are sometimes finicky, not being one of the more adaptable species.

Part of the same genus as Keloweks, the Zellyan, by contrast, are a very poor people in present times, being native to planet Levia which was largely decimated by a raging civil war in the 1500s. Though many have stayed behind and partnered with other groups (such as the Odol) to aid in its ongoing rebuilding effort, others have fled to different planets such as Eltrya to seek their fortunes. In the hopes of not losing what they have left of their people, many Zellyans pass along their history and culture through oral tradition, and there are many libraries and museums in Levia today. We all hope the Zellyans and other people of Levia will flourish triumphantly once again.
They have silver skin with large, elephant-like ears, and they wear modest clothes. The most common profession for Zellyans is farmer. They are most intergalactically renowned for their detailed pottery.

Beast people is the accepted term for the wide range of beings whom genetically derive from Earth animals. How close they are to their derivative species varies significantly and some scientists measure it in terms of degrees; for instance, a cat person 1 degree removed from their bonded species may still sometimes walk on all fours and speak only occasionally, whereas 2 degrees removed is fully bipedal and capable of fluent speech; 3 degrees removed may take on further human proportions and mannerisms, and by roughly 4-5 degrees removed, beast people usually won't bear any more resemblance to their bonded species beyond ears, tails, and possibly paws. It is unknown how or why they exist, as they are evenly peppered throughout the Fluorescent Zone with no ascertained point of origin, but just as with the other species listed here, they may only roam openly in the Hidden World (Zones 2 & 3).

Glyphs were regarded by earlier Hidden World civilizations to be some sort of angels. Many thought they had no language or culture of their own because they kept it to themselves and were only seen by others briefly in the sky depending on atmospheric conditions. They are easily spotted on the rare chance they are seen for their iridescent wings and ghostlike translucence. If a Glyph approaches you, you are said to have good luck for the rest of your days.
They are still under heavy research.

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