Residence: ??? (last seen in Toppletown)
Occupation: ???
Species: Shapeshifter
Favorite food: Any rich dessert, tea

Pip is something of an enigma. Historical records point to him having a storied history across the Fluorescent Zone as he is one of only two individuals known to have complete access to all space and time. Whatever it is he's done, he has seemed content these past few centuries to spend his days in pursuit of French poetry.
He is a master of shapeshifting, but it is unknown what he uses this ability for.

Residence: West Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Traveler
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Earth meat, cotton candy

From the time Yona was a child, she loved seeing celebrity magicians on TV. The sudden disappearance of her very favorite, Wizard Glick, has motivated her now to find him, or more specifically, the strange wind-up dolls he created - and scattered - as his parting gift to the world.
Yona was raised in an orphanage that in the seaside town of Meicoe Harbor. She has always been highly mischievous and just a little too bold with her pranks, to the chagrin of her mother figure Pamela. She can change colors like a chameleon.
Somehow, she is one of only two individuals granted complete access to all of time and space. It's a good thing too because she has a lot of traveling to do!

Residence: West Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Orphanage matron
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Noodle soup

Pamela (or Miss Pamela as she is addressed) is the head of the Hearts and Diamonds Orphanage in Meicoe Harbor, Majonia. She and Lonissa do their best to keep it a happy and educational environment for the young Manya that live there. The two of them are also rather prolific magic users, but try not to draw attention to this fact, despite how much it excites the children.
She tends to be very no-nonsense and takes things very literally, in complete contrast to Yona, one of the orphans who lives there. In spite of it all, the two have an incredible mother and child bond.

Residence: West Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Orphanage matron
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Carrot cake

Where Pamela addresses the kids' education in books, Lonissa teaches the "fun stuff" like P.E., cooking, etc. - and a little magic on the side. She is more freewheeling and youthful than Pamela, having a more hands-off approach to raising children - and this sometimes causes them to clash, but they very much maintain the same vision and are willing to sacrifice anything for the kids of the orphanage.

Residence: North Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Botanist, student
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Mangoes and other fruits

Marie is one of Pamela's nieces, and by extension, one of Yona's cousins. Despite her young age, she is very knowledgable and well-read, being a student who takes her education very seriously. She intends to become a botanist due to her love of plants, which Northern Majonia has in spades. She is polite almost to a fault and bows every time she greets someone.

Residence: South Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Wanderer, scientist
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Spicy curry

Another one of Pamela's nieces, who is often seen with Marie. Kipo is young but incredibly worldly-wise, having earned his cap (traditionally only worn by Manya who have reached maturity) at an early age. Though he comes from a good family, he likes to wander and survive alone just to see how he fares. As a result, he knows the geography of Majonia like the back of his fin.
He speaks very little but has a sharp, quick tongue.

Residence: East Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Merchant
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Hot dog

Yona's old school friend, who hails from eastern Majona. He comes from a wealthy and prestigious family and grew to hate the luxurious life, so he now makes money on his own terms by peddling cheaply handmade goods, usually to little interest.
Kind of a pushover, and hates being scolded.

Residence: East Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Ambassador
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Lollen (a type of gelatin dessert) - it sounds like her husband's name

Mira is the beautiful if icy mother of Rory, and along with her husband, is an ambassador representing the kingdom of Majonia to other planets and Zones. They have a gorgeous home near an oasis in eastern Majonia, though her son tires of this lifestyle and wants to live a more ordinary life like his classmate Yona, which frustrates her to no end.
She is rather vain and high-tempered, but also happy to spend money on anyone who charms her enough.

Residence: East Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Ambassador
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Jerky

Mira's husband and Rory's father, Rallen takes a more relaxed approach to his social stature than his wife does, but still partakes of enough luxuries to make Rory feel like he must have come from different parents. In contrast to Mira, he is a jovial fellow, laughing easily at others' jokes and rarely raising his voice.

Residence: West Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Knight
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Pudding

Ceris lived many years ago and served as one of the kingdom of Majonia's knights who fought against the separation of the Fluorescent Zone during the pivotal Remnant Wars that ended up dividing it into three realms. She has become something of a legend for her incredible bravery in the face of the first non-Earth war in history and also for her mysterious disappearance, which has been the subject of many urban myths.
She was also known to startle easily and love dessert. Though she was born in West Majonia, she never had a home and was seen in the kingdom of Odoken often.

Residence: South Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Treasure hunter
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Hamburg steak

Prissy and self-important, treasure hunter Kalua is essentially the bane of Yona's existence. With her mighty ship the Crystella she sails the high seas of Eltrya, always in search of something that seems to be just a little out of reach. Her tail is her pride and joy - don't you dare step on it! Beneath all the vanity, deep down, she may just be seeking a friend.

Residence: Unknown
Occupation: Magician
Species: Unknown
Favorite food: Rare steak

Glick is a fan favorite magician in the kingdom of Majonia and abroad, although he seemed to have hit his peak during the 1980s. At the turn of the New Millennium, he's announced his supposed "retirement" by scattering his assistant dolls across the universe to be found by his successor. Little being known about him, Glick has been shrouded in mystery since his debut, but this only makes him more exciting to his loyal fans.

Residence: South Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Magicians
Species: Living dolls
Favorite food: Matzo ball soup (Crimson), ginger (Clover)

Crimson and Clover are a duo of comedy magicians, popularizing a specific brand of stand-up magic that no one else has ever successfully replicated. Typically Crimson starts a joke that Clover, his sentient handpuppet, finishes with often startling delivery. Crimson tends to be the more polite and reserved while Clover is a more loudmouthed, crass type, making them a naturally perfect duo. Little is known about their private lives. Unfortunately, they have greatly fallen out of popularity with time.

Residence: North Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Queen
Species: Manya
Favorite food: Fairy bread

Queen Claris is the current queen of the kingdom of Majonia, the most recent in an immensely long bloodline. She is loved by most for her benevolent, considerate nature, not to mention her rather casual lifestyle, as she is often seen doing her own shopping at the supermarket where she winds up signing autographs.
She has a soft spot for silly puns and jokes, such that the King often tells her. She also loves riddles and mazes.

Residence: North Majonia (Eltrya planet)
Occupation: Princess
Species: Kelowek
Favorite food: Sponge cake

Valora is Majonia's princess. Despite her refined appearance, she is somewhat rogueish in personality and sneaks out of the castle frequently. Though she often disguises herself she is not always as careful as she should be considering she has many possible suitors - the King and Queen would rather she get engaged to the prince of Odoken.
She is very fashion-forward and loves forming connections with the commonfolk.

Residence: Yamsylvania (Cosma planet)
Occupation: Thieves
Species: Bat person (Tura), Vampire (Lugo)
Favorite food: Boba (Tura), Pizza (Lugo)

Tura and Lugo are an infamous duo who share a castle in Yamsylvania, a rehabilitation county for monsters. They spend all their time trying to obtain objects they deem "beautiful", through legal means or otherwise. Usually otherwise. They also like to host parties but few other monsters in town tolerate them enough to come.
Lugo is very jovial and naive. He's had his bloodwork done, so he quite likes the sun, although he has to wear sunglasses when he goes out. He loves to travel on a scooter.
Tura is more mature and sensible, as well as more likely to notice when they're being duped. She especially loves to hoard clothes and jewelry. Both of them play tennis with each other on Sundays.

Residence: Stargrove Metropolis (Cosma planet)
Occupation: Student, superhero
Species: Human
Favorite food: Teriyaki, apple juice

Kiki was apprehensive about moving to the big city for her father's job, as she clutched her lone prized possession - an old stuffed donkey. However, after catching a shooting star one fateful night, her wish to be able to protect her father from danger was granted - her stuffed donkey now grants her the magical form of a seemingly niche superhero, Flying Donkey!
This new form grants Kiki impossibly powerful legs that let her leap the length of skyscrapers in a single bound and break just about anybody's shins! Kiki soon becomes wrapped up in inner city crime as she works to thwart villainy from within the heart of Stargrove Metropolis.

Residence: Stargrove Metropolis (Cosma planet)
Occupation: Android
Species: Artificial
Favorite food: N/A

Marlene is one of the last known models of android marketed by a once-prolific toy company in the bustling city of Stargrove Metropolis. She seems designed for combat of some sort, as her knees, elbows and fingertips have bullet launching capabilities, but she has no desire to fight anyone or anything, being rather blank-faced and stoic. As such, she is very amicable and laments not being programmed with a mind of her own.

Residence: Camellia City (Cosma planet)
Occupation: Model
Species: Human
Favorite food: Hot dogs

Polly's family originated from planet Earth, but as her mom happened to sleep travel to Zone 2 once as a young girl and loved it, she sought permanent citizenship and eventually met her husband, Polly's father, in Stargrove Metropolis. As the city was quite dangerous at the time, they migrated to the more peaceful Camellia City where the family stays to this day.
Polly and her best friend Sally are young fashion models and market themselves to the people of Zone 1 by having all manner of merchandise made in their image, most notably fashion dolls, with a line of clothes they've designed themselves. Polly has a fairly peppy personality and loves punk music and jump rope.

Residence: Camellia City (Cosma planet)
Occupation: Model
Species: Human
Favorite food: French fries

Sally is a rare human living on Cosma natively, sharing an apartment in Camellia City with her father, and she was very happy to make friends with Polly at their school.
Sally and Polly do fashion modeling and make a living selling their image as toys for exporting to Zone 1. Sally is very concerned with the quality of the products and has drawn paperdolls of them herself, to much popularity with Zone 1 children. She likes power pop, fast food and the beach. The more artistically inclined of the two.

Residence: Toppletown (Rudul planet)
Occupation: Princess (?)
Species: Human
Favorite food: Birthday cake

Margaret is in her 20s, but mentally regressed to early childhood. From the time she was seven her parents entrusted her with running several small businesses (including a briefly successful frozen yogurt chain) but her misuse of money ran these all to the ground.
However, she has found some level of success playing pretend princess. She recruits the lands' abundant Qulos to help her with the promise of free cake.
Mostly, she just wants someone to play with.

Residence: Toppletown (Rudul planet)
Occupation: Townie
Species: Unknown
Favorite food: Apple pie

Peri is timid but very sweet-natured. A new resident of humble Toppletown, he's become Margaret's new favorite, inviting him every time she bakes another cake (which is most days). Likes drawing, hates tripping.

Residence: Stewpot (Rudul planet)
Occupation: Chef in training
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Macarons

Charlotte is the youngest in a long line of culinary experts in the kingdom of Stewpot. She has a somewhat feisty personality despite her gentle demeanor. Sometimes others have to step in to tell her when to quit, otherwise she just won't give up. Her specialty is dessert.
She is very close to her older brother.

Residence: Stewpot (Rudul planet)
Occupation: Chef
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Garlic bread

Charlotte's brother and a superb chef, he's taught her most of what she knows but is modest about it. On weekends, the pair goes exploring. Reliable and possessing a certain boyish charm, he's very popular with girls, though he's oblivious to this fact.

Residence: ???
Occupation: Vigilante
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: ???

A mysterious masked cat whom suddenly appeared one night after all the Poffles in Candypop Village vanished, throwing the town into a state of emotional chaos. Whether or not the appearance of this unknown figure is related in any way remains to be seen.
Still, you can't help thinking they're pretty cool, huh?

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Explorer
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Fish and chips

May is the younger-by-a-minute sister of April, both of whom were abandoned as kittens, although she certainly seems to take on the big sister role. The two of them live a vagabond lifestyle, though they frequent Candypop Village. May is the more serious and proper of the two, and is usually pulling April out of trouble. She is very interested in the affairs of others and always tries to lend a paw.
She also really loves puzzles and video games and can get a little too intensely focused on them at times.

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Explorer
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Salmon

April is the older-by-a-minute sister of May. She has an incredibly carefree personality to the point of being completely unable to recognize danger or tricks, to her sister's dismay. Talented yet clumsy.
She is also much stronger than she looks, which is a source of its own problems as she can't back down from a challenge.
If you asked her what she wants to be when she grows up, she'd say "the guy who wins the hot dog eating contest."

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Chieftain's granddaughter
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Pumpkin seeds

Eline is the granddaughter of the village chieftain in Candypop as well as April and May's reliable, worldly-wise friend. The two can always confide in her and get great advice (whether or not they want to hear it). She loves organizing festivals and keeping everything shipshape.
Eline hopes to be a mechanic someday.

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Grade schooler
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Tuna sandwich

A student at Safflower Elementary April and May are friendly with, he keeps an insect collection that April finds gross, but she's always eager to talk to him anyway. Being a couple of years younger than them, he is rather precocious and not always quick on the uptake. He's Ivan and Cathy's son.

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Doctor
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Apples

Robin's eclectic energy and slightly intimidating presence may cause his patients to be nervous around him, but he's really an excellent doctor. He loves the diversity of lifeforms across the Fluorescent Zone and enjoys studying the biology of different species. As such, he's especially adept at surgery, though opportunities to perform them are few and far between in the relatively serene Candypop Village. He treasures his niece Rita more than anything.

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Nurse in training
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Strawberry jam

Rita is Robin's little niece. As she's studying to become a nurse, he's letting her stay with him to give her a hands-on approach despite her young age. She is sensitive and perceptive, yet not overly bothered by medical procedures, though Robin sometimes won't let her look if things are bad. When she isn't working, she and her uncle are doing handpuppet shows.

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Actress
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Strawberry shortcake

The wife of Ivan, and starlet of all of up-and-coming film auteur Tom's productions. She is somewhat vain, but loves to praise others' looks as well as her own. The type to ask if you've gotten a haircut or a manicure or something recently. She is also fairly undaunted by the relative non-success of their movies because she loves starring in them.

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Actor
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Fish fillet

The husband of Cathy, starring alongside her in all of Tom's film productions. He is decidedly more reticent in personality and more hurt by negative criticism, but he doesn't want to let his wife down, so he gives acting his all no matter what the script calls for. The couple also has an adopted son, Oliver.

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: School teacher
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Tonkotsu ramen

Monroe is the regularly tardy, more than-a little clumsy schoolteacher in Candypop Village. As school is voluntary on Cottonwheel and attended by people of all ages, Monroe tends to have a bit more than they can handle on their plate. Nevertheless, they're trying their best, and at least most of their students can see that...

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Classical musician
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Grapes

Bianca and her twin Siamese sister Claudia are classically trained musicians who love playing the violin, piano and other instruments; however, both possess agoraphobia and prefer not to leave their dimly-lit manor, so the townspeople enjoy their performances from the outside. Shy and retiring, she sometimes leaves requests for neighbors to fetch her groceries or tune their piano. She is slow to understanding jokes and spends most of her spare time drinking coffee and reading books.

Residence: Candypop Village (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Classical musician
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Raspberries

Bianca's twin sister Claudia favors the violin and has the slightly perkier personality of the two, though both are highly reserved. She spends her spare time drinking tea and watching movies. She has an extensive knowledge of Zone 1 composers and can often be seen studying sheet music intently.

Residence: Yogurt Peak (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Sculptor
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Ravioli

Cool big sister Ruth and her little sister Judy hail from the icy hills of Yogurt Peak, but really they prefer to scamper to warmer climates, where the food and company is better. A touch eccentric yet highly approachable. When she's not grabbing a bite to eat she's using her well-honed claws to carve sculptures of the people she meets on her travels, often leaving them in the very place they met.
She lost her left eye in an alley fight as a kitten, but doesn't pay this much mind.

Residence: Yogurt Peak (Cottonwheel planet)
Occupation: Wanderer
Species: Cat person
Favorite food: Taiyaki

Ruth's little sister Judy is reserved around others, and mostly prefers to confide in her pet Poffle, Pimmy. In her alone time she draws pictures and tells stories to Pimmy, but she has begun to warm up to April and May from Candypop Village as of late. She and her sister seem fairly opposite in personality but seem to understand each other intuitively.

All text and images are © LEIRIN and may not be used or redistributed without permission.